Thursday, February 25, 2010

"Love Out Loud" touches 1,700 lives for Christ

On Sunday, February 21, 2010, First Baptist Church of Rincon, Georgia sent 458 volunteers into the community to do 22 service projects to show the love of Christ in practical ways. Whenever possible, they gave away New Testaments, gospel tracts, and a personal witnesses. There were over 1700 lives touched, and 786 gospel presentations.
Pastor Bob Rogers said, "Our coordinator, Beth Pye, and her team leaders did a super job of organizing and carrying out this project. Not only was the community deeply touched, but the fellowship among members from the shared experience was tremendous."
Church member Sabrina Carter, who helped clean yards for the elderly, said, "My body is aching now, but I sure did love the smile on Mrs. Kitty's face when she came home and saw what we had done. She hugged me a million times. We had a great time receiving a physical and spiritual blessing."
Charles McDonald's team gave free car washes to anybody who drove up to the church, and refused to take any donations. When one lady insisted on giving him money, he turned around and said, "Lady, what does the back of my shirt say?" She read: "Love Out Loud." He replied, "That's what we're doing. We're showing you God's love for free."
Mona Underwood was on a team visiting Effingham Nursing Home. She said, "I was so blessed at the nursing home. My visit with Mrs. Lee McGriff was such an emotional blessing. She shared stories of times past and I was able to tell her what a blessing she was to so many people."
After feeding the volunteers, the hospitality team drove through the community and gave away food. They met a family that had lost their home and had 12 people living together, and gave meals to the whole family.
Church member Elizabeth Beasley had to work Sunday, and was pleasantly surprised when volunteers came in to give away free food to people who had to work on Sunday. She said, "Thank you so much for the lunches that were brought to the local businesses including ...over at Tractor Supply...while I was working we had a very busy day, due to the beautiful weather and they came in handy! Everyone appreciated them!"
Steve Grissom's team did free vehicle safety checks. He said, "We prayed with everybody we helped, and we told people that the most important thing is a relationship with Jesus Christ."
Project coordinator Beth Pye said that Sunday night she usually reads before going to bed, "But Sunday night I didn't read-- I wanted to 'savor the taste' of 'Love Out Loud.'"

Here is a detailed report of "Love Out Loud" projects:
*Car wash & detail - 55+ cars, 70+ lives touched
*Care Packages for Military - 18 boxes to 50+ military
*Goody bags for ret. & nursing home staff - 125 goody bags
*Haircuts for unemployed - 9 haircuts
*Home projects - 2 homes reattach siding, repair roof leak, tear down unsafe structure & remove debris
*Homebound visits - 25 lives touched
*Laundromat, pay for laundry - 50 lives touched
*Loving Our Neighbor - 5 happy boys, 50 fish caught
*Make cards for retirement & nursing homes - 250 handmade cards
*Meals for volunteers. - 900+ meals, 90 handed out to community
*Nursery Team for vol's. children - 16 babies & preschoolers
*Nursing home & Hospital visits - 120 residents visited, 15 trays of goodies for hospital staff
*PowerPoint - 500+ photos, teams encouraged
*Prayer - prayed over each team, 3 gospel presentations
*Pregnancy Care Center - 10 rooms painted, new offices ready to occupy
*Retirement home visits - 25 lives touched
*Special Needs Kids Party - 10 lives touched
*Spiritual needs survey/free gift - 265 homes with about 600 people
*Tax Preparation (basic) - 10 tax returns for people on fixed income
*Treutlen House - painting & cleaning, 6 lives touched
*Vehicle safety checks - 5 vehicle checks, 7 free oil changes
*Weekday Ministry child care center playground repairs - Countless little lives protected
*Write to military & prisons - 120 letters + artwork & poems
*Yard care - 7 yards, cut down trees, raked, trimmed shrubs

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